塑料管塞(Plastic Plug for Tubes)在多个领域中被广泛应用,下面是一些主要的应用领域:包装行业:在运输和存储过程中,用于保护管状包装内物品的完好,例如海报,蓝图,地图等长条形物品的包装。建筑行业:用于临时或永久封闭塑料管末端,防止管内积聚灰尘,水分以及其它杂质。家具制造:在制作桌椅等家具的管型腿部结束处使用,用以增加美观性和防止尖锐边缘划伤地面
About Embedded Fitness:Embedded Fitness is the leading company in the field of interactive and serious gaming. Because we count not only private individuals, but companies, municipalities, and educational and health care institutions among our clients, Embedded Fitness is at the centre of society. Because of this, we know how to fulfill the expectations of organizations and target audiences. Embedded Fitness strives to be the leading knowledge centre and living lab in the field of interactive exercise